Jon’s friend


Jon made a friend on our afternoon walk this evening!


To me, a bug is a bug… even when it’s a “cute, fuzzy “ caterpillar 🐛!


I had a Pilar cyst excised today. My head was very numb for most of the day, but I’m glad it’s done. I am scheduled to work this weekend, and I can’t do that with a huge bandage on my head! So I spent some time making scrub caps to protect my wound and unsightliness while I’m at work.


And our ballots came in the mail today! I’m looking forward to doing my part and casting my ballot! I can’t believe that the next time we do this, Tay and Liv will get a ballot too! 🙄

Warm woolen blankets


Every now and then I let myself get back to the basics of my being and do something pretty much for me. I’ve been collecting years of pins on Pinterest and allowed myself to spend both time and money to learn a new to me crochet technique. I must say that I am over the moon happy with the final product.


This basket weave technique uses a huge hook, size Q, and was really cool to see it work. I also used a fancy wool yarn that I’ve never worked with before. It was kind of pricy at around $100 after new hook and 18 skeins of yarn (17 of which I found on Amazon for 50% off…). But I enjoyed making it, and it’s a really cool effect. So I would do it again.

The pattern I used is here.

New Construction

After 8 years on Blogger, Jon and I have decided to move to our own web address...  yikes, I hate learning a new system... yet I kind of love it at the same time!  If you read my blog on a regular basis (Well as regularly as I post anyway) then stay tuned for the new address.  We hope to be up and running in the next couple of weeks...  

We are also planning to combine our Photography portfolio into the same site since we haven't been doing a lot of work outside of friends and family.  Exciting things coming!


I made these rolls for dinner tonight.  OMG they smell so good, I can't wait to dig in!  Click on Bun Recipe to view the link.  They are "marketed" on the original post as bread bowls...  I tried that a few months ago and found that it didn't work that well... partially because I used whole wheat flour which made them very dense, and partially because I didn't make them big enough.  Tonight, we are having them with burgers!  So I feel really confident that they are going to be a huge hit!