Running Later in the Day

Since moving to Oregon and working remotely full time, my running schedule has not been consistent. Sometimes it is early in the morning. Sometimes in the middle of the day. Rarely is it after 4pm. Yesterday, I decided to run after dinner. I don't like running close to eating a more substantial meal. It makes my stomach get queazy, and I feel bloated and slow.

Yesterday, was an exception. The run felt great. Better than most of my recent runs.

It could have been my diet for the day, which was not great. Ranchero's for breakfast, a fajita for lunch, and leftover veggies and potstickers for dinner. It was high in easily digestible carbs, and fajitas do seem to make me run better. One of my favorite pre-marathon meals.

I think I am going to try running more later in the day, especially as the days are getting colder.

Something Colorful

On a recent episode of Untitled: The Adam Savage Project, Adam recounted his story of when his twins broke his fancy and expensive new 40” HDTV. His son described what happened as “Something Colorful”.

This morning I discovered something colorful happened to Ava’s iPad.


We have replaced so many iPad screens that I would call Julie an expert in iPad repair. I am not sure what we will do with this one, as iPads have become less repairable over time. Ava may be looking at these colors for a while.

The crack is completely unnoticeable when the screen is off. You can’t even feel it. It is only the color distortion that lets you know it is there. I have no idea how Ava accomplished this feat.

Music on the Super Nintendo

The SNES is probably my favorite video game system of all time, at least so far. My wife bought me the SNES Classic a couple of weeks ago, and I love playing the old games again on our projector.

We were playing Donkey Kong Country and I was thinking about how great the music is in that game.

This morning I ran across a video on how that music was made. It’s a quick 5 minutes and worth checking out.

A Brief History of Pi

Mint whipped cream, pudding, and chocolate with Oreo crust pie.

Mint whipped cream, pudding, and chocolate with Oreo crust pie.

The Stanis household takes pi day seriously. Or at least we usually do when things are not crazy. It snuck up on me this year so we had to do some quick thinking. My wonderful wife got a chicken pot pie from Costco, because they are awesome, and we managed to cobble together a delicious dessert pie. I think the scale will not be kind in the morning.


We also learned last night that Stephen Hawking has passed. I remember reading parts of his book, A Brief History of Time, when I was younger, but I do not remember much of it. We have a copy, so I know what my next read is going to be.

Stephen Hawking is an inspiration to me. He was given 2 years to live after being diagnosed with Lou Gehrig disease at the age of 21. Instead of dying at 23 he leaves till he was 76, and contributed more to the world than most of us can hope for in those years. I wonder if his disability helped him with his career and writing as it removed other distractions.