Things, They are a changin!


Welcome to our brand new, completely redesigned, website!  We are super excited to have all of our web content, finally, on one dedicated site.  We are still in the process of transferring some of our data, so please be patient while we work out the kinks and bugs.  

Since my last post, we have been super busy.  Besides working long hours (the paycheck from which was very sweet), we have finally planted nearly all of our garden and installed an irrigation system, invested in a garden project through my work (where I get an extra 250 sqft of nutrient rich soil to garden for only $15), and moved all our exercise equipment to the basement... after I cleaned the whole basement of course... what a garbage dump that had become...  (can you imagine the trips to Goodwill?... yeah three of them...!) It really feels good to get rid of stuff that just sits around.  

The kids have just two more weeks of school!  When did that happen? I feel like I blink and weeks have passed.  Taylor finally learned how to tie his own shoes and Wes is finally starting to tell us that he needs to use the potty.  (Not that I would call hime potty trained... but it is a HUGE pull in the right direction!)  The kids are finally starting to make their own beds, and with all the moving things around the house, we got around to bringing up their desks front he basement.  They think its awesome.... why didn't we do that a long time ago?  They also have decided that playing the basement is cool again. Is it because the weather is warm and the basement is cool? I don't know, personally I think its because Mom cleaned it all up and they can now walk again without stepping on their toys.