Come Stand by My Fire
/I closed th door to my office today.
It's not something I normally do, but PHC was getting too damn cold.
I tend to think that most individuals have an issue with their office's heating and air conditioning systems. No cubical farm has ever had a properly balanced HVAC, and everyone has a different heat preference.
60 pounds ago, I was able to get away with a sweater, but in the last year that no longer cuts it. I now have an oil filled space heater cranked up to its max. While I still leave my office door open most of the time there are moments where closing the door is the only way I can get warm enough.
My boss seems to be in the same boat. I now get regular visits as he warms himself by my fire. Others in the office either like it or think it's to damn hot. I'll let you guess which ones.
My Lakewood space heater. Like the town in northern Wisconsin it makes me think of summer.