Today I made a poor choice. I opened my iPad and clicked on the news widget where I was treated to the latest in the confirmation hearings of the woman chosen to replace RGB on the Supreme Court. My heart sank as I read about her opinions, afilliations, and values. What brought tears was the blatant partisan motives that made a clear hypocrisy of Senate republicans. Those who refused to allow Obama to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat during an election year, but are now willing to ignore all of America’s suffering in order to rush through a Supreme Court pick in less than a month from an election. What made me loose it is what lays in the balance. Health care for millions, pre-existing condition clauses, a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body, gay rights… This woman is associated with a group that supports sterilization of all transgender people!
My tears are for my children who will inherit this mess. My tears are for the children ripped from their families and the families of those who needlessly died from a virus that simple measures could have contained. My tears are for the families whose homes are flood again and again each year as hurricanes get stronger and more frequent and for those who’ve lost everything as the wildfires burn hotter, longer, farther every year. My tears are for the Americans that I once thought of as kin and the country I proudly thought was the land of the free and the home of the brave.
My heart is broken and I have nothing left to give…