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Backyard Oasis

Our backyard oasis is a work in progress. That said, right now it’s pretty awesome. Yesterday I spent my entire day out on the porch. Mostly because the sun was alluring and I know that in a few days, I have to go back to work. So while soaking up a little sun, under my sun sail, I decided to finish a project I have been itching to complete.

Somehow water got under our “waterproof” table covering, consequently, the finish flakes off and some is the boards swelled a bit. So I sanded and stain and oil treated and polyurethane sealed our table. Between coats, I worded on my current crochet project. All while enjoying this lovely day in my backyard oasis!

Our new Cherry tree and my tint yellow pear tomato plant. It’s the only veggie that I’m going to invest in this year.

I planted these strawberry plants last year, but I wasn’t sure if they would come back in a box. Well, they did and they look even better than when I planted them!