Very soon after having twins, people, sometimes close friends, sometimes complete strangers, began giving clothes to us. This generosity is one of the gifts in life that I think most people don't realize is such a gift. If I went out and bought one outfit for each of my children, for each day of the week, at regular store prices, I would spend about $560... not including socks, underwear, shoes and other accessories or PJs. And then figure that every so many weeks or months (in infancy) and now years, we need to completely replace their entire wardrobe due to growth...
My point is that I am so grateful to the many, many people who have, when our children were babies, and still do today, give to them their gently abused clothing.
One of these benefactors had given me a handful of dance outfits when Alivya was little. While my girls are not in dance, and do not seem to have any interesting in becoming dancers, I still try to get them to wear them. Alivya was never very fond. I tried putting them on her as shirts, but she hated that she had to take everything off in order to use the bathroom. I suggested using them as PJs, but she really just didn't want to do it. Some of them are super cute too.
But Ava, is NOT Alivya. Ava LOVES them. She wears them as PJs. Tonight she was running around dancing in her little leotard singing Let it Go at the top of her lungs!
Thank you to our many donors for saving us tons of money, providing our kids with clothes they love that I probably couldn't have bought, and for not tossing your clothes in a landfill. Everybody wins!